The Classicist with an Atlas

About the Blog
I'm Amelia, a Christian Classicist with a passion for history, languages, good books, music, and all things travel.
I started this blog because I am a thinker. I consider things deeply and value knowledge but until it was suggested to me by a friend in early 2019, I'd never considered blogging as an outlet for everything that was buzzing around in my head! When March 2020 arrived and with it, a global pandemic, I wrote my first post as a way to make sense of what was going on around me and found it so helpful that I absolutely had to carry on.
Since then, the blog has grown so much. I now have an affiliated Instagram profile (@theclassicistwithanatlas) which features some of my travel photos and stories, and I have also been asked to contribute to other blogs, which has been such a privilege. As a guest writer for The Travel Story Society, I have written about my trip to Machu Picchu, my adventures in South-Eastern Bolivia, and how to spend 24 hours in Seville. My contribution to the eco-tourism blog Discoveny was part of a huge collaboration post on voluntourism, which features stories from multiple travel writers and is definitely worth checking out!
About the Posts
Travel has been a huge passion of mine since 2013, when I went on my first volunteering trip abroad in Mexico and including the UK (yes, that's definitely valid!), my current country count is 18. As I have travelled more and more, I have come to appreciate just what an amazing privilege it is to be able to explore new places and experience new things, and my love for it has only grown. The travel section of my blog aims to share the joy by providing inspiration, stories, and informative guides for the intrepid traveller, but also some vital tips on how to make sure that your adventures are ethical and sustainable.
I absolutely love exploring culture. It's a huge part of what makes humanity tick: our history, languages, theatre, music, literature, art, and architecture all contribute to the shaping of society and I find it all absolutely fascinating. In the culture section of my blog, I share my thoughts on these things, primarily from my perspective as a historian. The posts in this section range from a series on the British Empire, to my feelings on Impostor Syndrome, to the intrinsic links between languages and culture (coming soon!).
The Christian life is a fun but challenging one, and it can sometimes make your head spin a bit! I'm no theologian but in the faith section of the blog, you can find a few of my thoughts on it all. Where I can, I like to explore the Biblical world from the perspective of an ancient historian - for example, I have now adapted my Master's thesis on the Gospels and Greek culture into a blog post series - but I also share my thoughts on topics such as how Christians should respond to the pandemic, among others.
In everything I write about, I aim to be real and honest about that topic, but I also try to be objective where necessary. All topics are researched as thoroughly as possible before posting.
If you have any thoughts on my posts that you want to discuss, or if you'd like to be a guest writer for The Classicist with an Atlas blog then I'd love to hear from you! Please get in touch via the form on the Contact page.
Thank you for visiting the site, and enjoy!